Queen of the Procrastinators

I am a procrastinator. The Queen of the Procrastinators. Example: It’s 11:57pm right now and I’ve been knowing I should sit down and write this since I got home six hours ago… Just starting. Whoops!

So I haven’t made a video in three weeks.

For those of you who don’t know, I make video-blogs (vlogs) on my youtube channel rlpdean. I try to make a video about once a week, I’m not in school, it’s a fairly reasonable goal, right? Well I’ve been barely managed more than one every two or three weeks. And why? I don’t know…

I can’t figure out where time goes other than I procrastinate it away. It’s not that I don’t have ideas, I’ve been sitting on one for almost a month now, but have I made it? Nooooooo. And why not? Well I want to make videos, I like making videos, but suddenly I’ve been feeling reluctant to make videos. It’s like as soon as I give myself a goal I start finding other things to do. Today I did laundry and actually put it away instead of letting it sit out folded until I use it. I pulled out my guitar and didn’t just practice, I started teaching myself a new song I found somewhere! and why? Well the plan had been to make a video this evening…

waste time








I have to think ahead for videos because my work schedule bounces all over the place, is that whats throwing me off? Am I over-thinking it and loosing the fun? Am I making things too rigid and immediately trying to get out of them? Usually my procrastinating takes the shape of putting off school-work, or chores, but why my videos all of a sudden? Why have I stopped? Are they becoming work and loosing the enjoyment? or am I turning into a lazy bump-on-a-log?

Honestly I think it’s a bit of both! I’m going to focus less on making a deadline with my videos and I’m also going to force myself to get up off my butt and do something. Even if it’s taking a walk with my camera and only taking still-pictures, at least it’s something and it might spark an idea because while I know I’m procrastinating, I also feel like I’ve got a bit of “writers-block” so to speak. I have ideas, they just all seem like unachievable or crappy ideas… So, I’m going to act on the crappy ideas and try and achieve the daunting. Things might fall into place and work out or I might get some flops, but at least I know I’m doing something and I can learn from mistakes.

Hopefully I’ll have some time and inspiration tomorrow after work! Talk to you then!