Cause of Death: Selfies

The “Selfie”, that is a picture taken of oneself, could be called the new trend, but also the old trend – things move fast in our social media filled world. Selfies and those who take them have been both ridiculed and praised and some studies say that selfies can increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Selfies have become very popular with tourists as they are a good way to snap a memory of your trip. Get a picture of yourself at the place you’re visiting without handing a stranger your phone? Smart right? Well it turns out that there are their own dangers with taking selfies and there have been a number of selfie related deaths already this year, most recently being a tourist who fell down a flight of stairs trying to take a selfie at the Taj Mahal in India. A number of people have fallen off bridges, onto railway tracks, or touched live wires while trying to capture the perfect selfie.

Selfies are not a bad thing. They’re fun, they;re harmless, they can even have a positive impact on things such as self esteem, however, the risks people are willing to take while taking selfies, those are the bad thing. It is not worth risking your life, or letting your friend risk their life in order to get the “perfect” picture to get all the likes on instagram or facebook.
You’ll remember the fun times better if you live through them.

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