The Internet at my Fingertips

Today I decided that the temptation to turn on my computer while attempting to study was too great. This, however, left me with a problem. How was I going to write a blog post without my computer?

Now I suppose I could have turned on my computer and been very intentional about not opening any other websites, but I know me, I have a knack for finding loopholes and procrastination methods. I’d probably check my site’s stats and how certain tags were doing, maybe I’d read the news – being informed is good! But all of those things take time and when you have a midterm in just over eleven hours, time is a scarse commodity.

The eureka monent came while I was texting (see, procrastinating). In my hand I hold a mini computer, all the features of the internet available at my finger tips.

I can blog from my phone.

So here I am, to all appearances texting and procrastinating on my studying some more, but in reality I am texting for marks. My phone has been bent to my will and, well, while I suppose I am still procrastinating studying, I am still achieving something. My work has been done.

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