Taking a Wave

Today I become famous.

That’s not to say I literally became famous, I didn’t have a video go viral or anything, but my degrees of separation to fame decreased. I had a tweet favourited by one of my favourite youtubers.


So why is this so exciting? Why is having a person with 71.1K followers on twitter click a button to acknowledge the fact that I shared his vine a big deal?

Well, it’s not.

Our culture celebrates celebrity. We put people on pedestals for everything, for being funny, controversial, pretty, foolish, or any other thing under the sun and then we look up to them trying to reach them and see them at our level. When these people reach down from their pedestal and acknowledge us of their own accord, well! Then as opposed to bringing them back to our level, somehow we see it as raising us to theirs.

Using this judgement, today I was raised up to take a wave from a pedestal looking down on 71.1K followers. Am I any different? Has my ability to hit share buttons changed? Is William Haynes my new best friend? Has my follower count magically changed?

So no, no, no, and no. Nothing has changed, except I got my little adrenaline rush for the day as I looked down from the pedestal before I realized I liked it better down on the ground with everybody else.

Nonchalant (did I use that word right?)

Today Mandy and I went out to a bunch of thrift stores to make a costume for an upcoming event and we had FUUUUUUN. We totally didn’t actually buy the costume bits until like the end after we’d shopped but it was a good shop =D Mandy got some clothes and stuff but I feel like I got the deal of the day with a brand new $29.99 dress for $8.99 and a copy of “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare” for, wait for it, $2.99 TWO DOLLARS AND NINTY-NINE CENTS FOLKS!! Deal of the day for suuuure! (I really like Shakespeare, okay?!)

Anywho this has kind of turned into a series of nonchalant diary entries but you know, I don’t have deep thoughts (that I’m willing to share with the internet) all the time sooooo, I’m okay with this!

How was your day?