A Quick Heads Up!!

Hey folks! I haven’t posted on here in a while, long time no chat!

I’m still alive (I promise, ghost me is not writing this…) and I am back in school, year two! Here I come degree!! I am currently working at getting my Bachelor of Arts with a major in Communications and Media, and a minor in Intercultural Studies. One of my classes in my C&M major I get to do this project/assignment where I have to write and post a little mini article on a local/national/world event that’s happening or happened. That was a terribly worded sentence, I hope you understood that cause I’m not changing it. basically, I’m letting you know that for the next few months, every week day there’s going to be a little article on here about something thats happening in the world.

Also, if there’s any interesting things happening where you are, feel free to forward me some news articles to check out. A lot of the information I’m closest to is relating to Canada for obvious reasons, but if you’re somewhere else, I’d love to hear about what’s going on there!

So if you’re interested, enjoy the articles, if not, sorry bro, it’s an assignment and I literally have to do it.
